Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Annie, My Hero

I've been meaning to write about this for awhile, but have been bogged down with appointments and the seemingly never-ending task of getting ready for the Bridal Show.
I finally made it to the Annie Leibowitz exhibit that was at the Corcoran. At first I was a little disappointed with it...there were lots of her own family photos, vacation photos etc, and only a few of the portraits that have made her famous. On the way out of the exhibit, there was a video that I caught a bit of...she was talking about how she grew up taking family photos and that her mother was a photo fanatic and very into archiving the family through photography. I've been thinking about this for a few weeks now, and have totally changed my opnion about the show now. How cool is it that someone who started out taking family photos has become so iconic in popular photography? Her portraits are beautiful--really inspirational to me. And it was really interesting to see personal photos from such a well known photographer.
If you missed the exhibit, her book American Music is one of my faves.

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